Commodity Trading Advisor & Commodity Pool Operators


The Beginning of a Successful CTA

Successful emerging Commodity Trading Advisors and Commodity Pool Operators understand that a solid infrastructure is required to build a fund or CTA program.

Through Wisdom Trading you can incorporate a team of industry professionals focused on helping you grow your fund or CTA program in the most efficient means possible. Our goal is to help you focus on trading and research, while we provide back office assistance, clearing and execution services, and investor introductions.

Execution and Clearing:

Your Personal Trading Team

Our professional trade desk is staffed by experienced traders with over 20 years of experience in transacting orders on global futures exchanges for individuals, corporations, and industry professionals.

We offer an extensive range of services and provide a direct point of contact for all things related to trading. We understand markets, data, money management strategies, mechanical trading systems, and we’re here to assist you with any questions or problems you have.


Let’s have a chat about how we can help your CTA perform better, reach more investors, and be more successful.